As for Jade, we had a follow-up visit after her hospital admission. The seizures had been creeping up in numbers again since starting the Phenobarbitol (no small surprise), so her neuro decided to try her on a newly released drug called Banzel. It is supposed to be effective in treating Lennox-Gastaut seizure patterns. It's difficult to say if this has positively affected her because she still continues to have large seizures each day. She also caught a cold and is still battling a lot of drainage from it. That, plus seasonal allergies, up the number of seizures she has each day. This week has been pretty decent though since her return to better health. She is more alert and interactive and it's so awesome to watch! We have a new game called, "Yay, Jade!!". She LOVES this and her personality shines. She enjoys the attention and the excitability of our voices. She has also been spoiling us with half-grins each day, which are so cute to see :)
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Banzel does the trick. It can take a while for it to become fairly effective, and she still has room for increases if needed. After that, we move on to Depakote, which I am loathe to do. Wish her luck!