The dog is healing, finally. Her urinary culture came back negative, which means the antibiotics are working. Now, if we could get it through her thick head that peeing is an outside activity, then we're on the right track. I have hired yet another trainer to come to the house tonight to help with her increasing biting habit (she's teething) and to teach the dog how to let us know when she has to go out. Keep your fingers and toes crossed...!
Jade has had a rough week. Her seizures are a lot more forceful and greater in number for some reason. She bit the inside of her mouth yesterday during one which created a nice bloody show. Injuring herself during these blasted things always makes me nervous. I can't do much about the inside of her mouth, unfortunately, so I hope the cut isn't too painful. I really can't stand these vicious seizure cycles and the guessing game that goes along with them. I will pull excuses out of the air just to have a reason for the increase. Let's see. This week, I'll blame it on the heat! How's that? Actually, August is awful in Florida and I wouldn't be one bit surprised that it has some sort of effect on Jade. Not to mention, another potential hurricane headed our way!
I hope everyone has an enjoyable Labor Day holiday and the weather remains calm. :)